Hybrid circularity event on cross-industry collaboration

On November 2nd, Sweden-China Seminar on Industry Cooperation for Circular Economy was conducted in Beijing. The activity is part of the Supply Chain & Circularity theme in our Pioneer the possible platform in China. The seminar covered topics from innovative material, material reuse and waste recycling, with an emphasis on cross-industry collaboration. More than 40 participants joined the event on site in addition to ~40 online participants. The seminar was co-organized by Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Embassy of Sweden in Beijing and Business Sweden. Mr. Zhao Kai, Executive Vice President of China Association of Circular Economy moderated the seminar.

The seminar started with welcome words by Linn Engvall, Second Secretary, Responsible Business (CSR), Embassy of Sweden in Beijing, followed by presentations from industry experts and company representatives. In the seminar, Swedish expert speakers shared their solutions and best practices related to circular economy. Mr. Wang Rui from IVL presented methodologies and case studies on life cycle environmental footprint; Mr. Sun Yuhui from Envac introduced waste to energy; Mr. Chen Lixue of Alfa Laval focused his presentation on plastic reduction solutions; Mr. Cearo Wang of SKF shared their experiences of working with OEMs and suppliers in order to achieve full life cycle recycling; and Ms. Julia Asplund from Scania Production China showcased Scania’s strategy and practice in packaging material and waste management. Chinese expert speakers from research institutions and industry also shared their insights and experiences in areas of new material development, waste treatment and recycling.

Ms. Amanda Alkemark of Business Sweden concluded the conference by accentuating the importance of cross-industry collaboration in creating a circular economy and presented the initial plans for Pioneer the possible platform in the coming year. Business Sweden is looking forward to continue working with the Swedish pioneers and local stakeholders in China to jointly create a more circular business world.

On-site participants use seminar breaks and lunch for more networking.