Sino-Swedish Forum on Accelerating the Green Transition

The "Sino-Swedish Forum on Accelerating the Green Transition" was successfully held at Beijing Capital Steel Park on September 12th as part of the China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS). The forum was supported by the Embassy of Sweden in Beijing and co-organized by Business Sweden and the China-Europe Association for Technical and Economic Cooperation (CEATEC). Over 70 participants attended the event.

Mr. Lennart Nilsson, Economic and Trade Affairs Counsellor, Embassy of Sweden in Beijing introduced that Sweden has the goal of becoming the world's first fossil-free welfare state, reaching net zero emissions by 2045. He emphasized that Sweden is actively undergoing a green transition, with businesses and researchers rising to the challenge by accelerating the development of sustainable solutions. Sweden is keen to collaborate with China to further advance its green transformation.

At the forum, Mr. Wang Rui, Senior Expert at IVL, Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Mr. Thomas Zhao, Vice President of SKF China and Northeast Asia, Ms. Guo Junkai, Public Affairs Director of Inter IKEA Group, and Mr. Kris Han, Compressor Valve Product China Sales Manager, Alleima (Shanghai) Materials Technology, shared insights on achieving carbon reduction throughout the entire value chain, discussions ranged from green manufacturing to green services, best practices in secondary materials at IKEA, and the green energy transition in the stainless steel and alloys industries respectively. Swedish companies are actively pursuing research, innovation, and cross-industry collaboration to accelerate green transformation across various sectors and foster industry-wide innovation.

During the roundtable discussion, Ms. Amanda Alkemark, Regional Manager Government Affairs, East Asia & Pacific, Business Sweden, outlined Sweden's action plan for accelerating the green transition and shared the initiatives to enhance Sino-Swedish cooperation. Ms. Summer Zhou, Lindex East Asia Regional Sustainability Manager & Global Social Sustainability Officer, discussed the challenges of achieving sustainability in supply chains, providing valuable and insightful perspectives.

The Chinese speakers represented a range of sectors, including SinoCarbon Innovation & Investment, China Telecom (Europe), Putailai Group (PTL), and Shenzhen Senior Technology Material, China IPPR International Engineering, and SPIC Carbon Assets Management etc.

Ms. Chen Jingyue, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of China-Europe Association for Technical and Economic Cooperation attended the conference and delivered a speech.