Within Pioneer the possible promotion program: one-day site visit to Envision

On 23rd of February Business Sweden China had a one-day site visit to windmill manufacturer Envision as a part of the Pioneer the possible promotion program. 

The morning started with a tour of Envision's windmill factory to see where windmills are installed, followed by a visit to the cloud center monitoring energy creation and usage. 

After lunch at a nearby hotel the companies participated in a workshop led by Business Sweden’s Thomas Larsen for joint discussion on challenges and opportunities in China’s green transition. The workshop allowed for member companies to share experiences, and identify how to work within the Pioneer the possible platform. 

Experts then shared their experience in sustainability best practices and presented case studies of companies that have significantly reduced their carbon footprint in China under the topic “end-to-end Carbon Management Methodology”.

Envision’s Director of Net-zero Business Operation Yang Zhang presented on Tangible RE solutions in China: Distributed PV+ Green power+ environmental attributes procurement. Envision also shared their digital tools and best practices for life-cycle assessment of products with the Pioneer the possible member companies.